Theremin School course#1:theremin intro summer

Russian Theremin School online

course#1:theremin intro
Lesson language: English, Italian, Russian, German

First online theremin course with  Peter Theremin and Russian theremin school 

#Stayhome and play the theremin with us.

If you have a theremin at home and you  want to learn how to play it, we are waiting for your application. Theremin is an ideal instument; it does not need to be touched; it requires caution, attentiveness and calmness.

For whom: beginner performers, from zero level

What you need for classes:

  • theremin
  • Internet access and webcam via laptop or tablet.

lesson format: 4 individual   lessons for  30 minutes

  • individual approach
  • basic pefomance skills 
  • setting the right position of the hands
  • analysis of woldwide existing peforming techniques
  • acquaintance with different models of theremin
  • excursion into history
  • theremin and fx


Peter Theremin plays theremin

Peter Theremin  –  thereminist, header Russian Theremin School, the organizer of  the festival of theremin culture «Thereminology», creator of the first Russian-language portal about theremin «Theremin Today», the great-grandson of Leon Theremin. Works with theremin in genres: classical, contemporary . improvised music. Head of Russian Theremin School, the author of a series of lectures on the history of electromusic, on the history of the theremin . The author of the course «Theremin for 24 hours.»

More than 1000 performances (lectures, concerts, master classes). Performances were held in different cities of Russia, France, Belarus, Germany and Estonia.

course entry and details: